
Thursday, November 8, 2012

"Broke as a Joke"

                I’d like to dedicate this post to the picture “Broke as a Joke”. As a college student I am able to completely relate to this shirt. On they discuss some ideas to help college students save money. One of the tips they gave was to cut expenses, such as going out to eat, use of transportation and entertainment. For commuters this would be a more difficult task. Having to take the bus from city to city would be worthwhile financially, but it would waste a lot of time as well. Cutting out entertainment? That is was easier said than done. There are ways to have inexpensive entertainment, such as buying a board game and having your friends come over, or getting a redbox movie (just don’t forget to return it). Being a full time student is rough, you deserve to enjoy yourself, the trick is to plan it out and be smart with it.      
             Another tip discussed was to stay busy. The idea here is that the busier we are the less likely we are to spend money. The article suggests doing homework and studying, which makes sense because it is school that is making us broke. But sometimes you need  a break from studying and school. This is where buying a board game or deck of cards can come in handy help with this freetime.
   had some great ideas, some you may like to adopt or tweak a little but they can definitely help with any financial struggle you may have while in college.

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