
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Textbooks Too Expensive to Purchase

          College students are told on the first day of school to purchase textbooks. Some classes have multiple textbooks that are required of students and say that having them is integral for their success in the class. In spite of the initial promptings, less and less students are shelling out the dough for them. An article done by Edward Nawotka titled Are College Students Buying Required Textbooks? 75% In US Say No talks about this in detail. One statistic that is listed in the article is that 75% of US students don't buy textbooks. I can definitely see the truth in that number. As a student, I try my absolute best not to purchase books or if I have to I will rent them on or buy the old editions off
          Every quarter I begin with the mindset that "I probably won't need a book," and then see how things go without one. I don't really need to explain why I choose not to buy textbooks because it is obvious. Tuition costs are crazy. I like to wait things out. Sometimes I even barrow another student's book if I desparately need some information. What I have gathered from the many years I have attended CSUSB, is that buying books are a waste of money. If you go to class and are a good note taker, then earning that A won't be hard. Books don't guarantee good grades. If anything they are unecessary and are just another way to gouge money out of students. It's not right. It is upsetting to think that these book publishers redo a few chapters in a book and then charge more. Students are hip to this and have found ways around paying for brand new books, that they will only use for a quarter.
          I was in class with a student who gladly announced that he had never bought a textbook. He was close to graduating and said he got amazing grades and had been very successful in his dealings. He claimed that he had never needed a textbook and thought they were a waste of money.
          It truly makes you wonder. How can a student survive without the one thing instructors force down your throat every class? It is very possible to make it without buying textbooks. There are many ways around this routine as listed above. If worse comes to worse, you can buy the book and then resale it to another student who will take that exact course with the exact instructor and hope they'll be using your book.

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